"Come to Jesus!" -Adrian Rogers

Friday, January 13, 2012

God's Word Was Written to You

This quote from Vestal Goodman may seem like something I just pulled out of thin air, but it has been a great encouragement to me. Please read the quote, and then allow me to give you a brief explanation as to why as I believe that this quote is important enough to share with you today.

"I wanted to spend time with Him and get to know Him and read His Word. And I found out later that it's letters that He had written to me." -Vestal Goodman

This is something that I will very rarely do on this blog. However, I feel that it is imperative for me to give a short explanation here in order to keep you from missing the awesomeness of this quote, which really and truly just points out the awesomeness of God and His Word. I included the first sentence solely to allow you to better understand what the second sentence is referring to. The most important part of the quote, however, is the two short, two-letter words at the end--"to me."

Why are those words so important? We serve a personal Lord. A personal Savior. And I believe that Vestal Goodman realized that when she chose to use those two words. God wants to have a relationship with you. He wants to know you. He wants to be close to you. Jesus died for you not so that you could have religion, but so that you could have a right relationship with Him.

God's Word is not some dusty, old book designed to suck all of the fun out of your life. God's Word was written to you and for you, that you may live a fulfilling life that is honoring and glorifying to Him. Without the instruction of His Word, you are destined to fail. Jesus said, "I am come that they might have life..." (John 10:10). My friend, without His Word, not only do you not know how to live, but you can't live. The keys to life and death and everything in between are found only in His Word.

People everywhere know and quote John 3:16 which says, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son..." However, because God loved this World, He also gave us His Word. His Word is a letter of love. Adrian Rogers said, "The Bible is God's love letter to His children. If you don't understand it, it is because you are reading someone else's mail." 

My friend, God's Word is personal. It is His love letter to you. Everything you need to know about life can be found in the pages of His Word. The majority of God's will for your life can be found in the pages of His Word. Second only to Jesus, God's Word is His greatest gift to you. Treasure it. Share it. Live by it. And hide it deep within your heart, that you might not sin against Him (Psalm 119:11).

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